It started off in 1990s – that’s when Mrs. Olga Bogomolets bought her first icon at the market. It was the distorted icon of Jesus Christ. Today her collection includes large home iconostases painted on canvas, small travel icons, Cossack and Hutsul icons.
Some of them are painted on glass, casted on metal, carved on stones and wood.
The oldest icon of the Museum is that of St. Nickolas the Wonder-maker carved on stone supposedly in the end of the 12th c.
As Mrs. Bogomolets' collection had reached 5000 exhibits, she began to look for a place to store the icons. Then she bought the old mill in Radomyshl. Later she has learnt that the place where the mill found itself was called "Papirnya" (Paper mill). This name is survived until nowadays. The paper mill in Radomysl was the first and for a long time the only one in the Central Ukraine. It was founded by Yelisey Pletenecki, the archimandrite of Kyiv Pechersk Lavra, about 400 years ago. It took 4 years to accomplish reconstruction works.
Now everyone can get into this unique spiritual environment that comprises centuries-old souls of Ukrainian and where you can see "Ukrainian Soul", the only museum of Ukrainian home icon in the world.